Tuesday, April 27, 2021

January 24, 1970 Live Oak Park, Berkeley, CA: Floating Lotus Magic Opera Company (Lost Horizons 1970 I)

A flyer for a performance of Walls Of Blood, by the Floating Lotus Magic Opera Company, at John Hinkel Park in Berkeley, ca. 1968

Recently I have been focusing my research on rock shows in the Bay Area in the early 1970s, focusing particularly on the lower tiers. With patience, I have done good research on the Matrix, the Keystone Berkeley, the Long Branch and a few other clubs. Yet I consistently come across tantalizing details of other venues, different untold stories and an insight into the unexplained. Without further information, I am often stuck with just the hint, not anything like the actual story.

My research method focuses on finding dates and venues where bands have performed, and constructing a narrative based on available sources. It sounds simple, but it reaps many benefits. Rather than assume what the motives and goals of different bands or promoters might be, I can let the evidence of actual performances tell me what is desired and what has resulted. The limits of this method, ultimately, are constrained by the limits of my available sources. From the 1960s and '70s, we don't always have that much evidence, so it can be hard to figure out the story. Not all old sources have been digitized, and in many cases a lot of shows were not advertised in any paper. If no local flyers were preserved, or there aren't other sources we can be left with very little. 

Lost Horizons, 1970
The Lost Horizons posts are a series of posts that I can't complete. In some cases I wish someone else would write the post, in other cases I'm hoping someone else has already written it, and in some others I am hoping for more information so I can try and take them on. There's no real connection between any of these topics, save for the device that there was a live performance in 1970 that intrigued my interest. My blogs have an explicitly rock and roll orientation, but my methodological approach veers off in different directions. Fernand Braudel, Reynar Banham, Marcy (emptywheel) Wheeler--it's still rock and roll to me. I'm hoping that the magic of the Internet and eternal Comment Threads will yield up information hitherto unknown to me. If you have any insights, corrections or entertaining speculation, please Comment.

The Berkeley Barb
The Berkeley Barb had been founded by Max Scherr in 1965. The weekly paper made a point of documenting the local counterculture. The readership was distinct from anyone subscribing to the local daily papers (the San Fransisco Chronicle or Examiner, the Oakland Tribune or the Berkeley Gazette). The Barb reported on protests, pot busts, sexual freedom and local rock shows. The ads were for organic foods, head shops or local crafts. The Barb was an alternative paper for an alternative audience. It was sold by hippies to other hippies for a dime or a quarter.  I don't know if the Berkeley Barb was the first such "underground" paper, but it was one of them, and it was a model for such papers all over the country.

By 1970, the Barb was being read well beyond Berkeley. I don't know the exact details, but I believe that even outside of Berkeley the paper was available in Head Shops, espresso joints and other hip places throughout the Bay Area. At the back of every issue of the Barb was "Scenedrome," a summary of upcoming and ongoing events in the next week that might be of interest to its readers. While that would always include shows at Fillmore West, for example, it also included performers at Telegraph Avenue coffee shops, foreign movies, political meetings, self-help groups and all sorts of other gatherings. Getting listed in Scenedrome any week was free--someone just had to call the Barb by Tuesday at noon. So for hippie events that were on a shoestring, or just free, calling the Scenedrome was the cheapest way to get publicity. 

While Berkeley events had always been posted in Scenedrome every week since 1965, by 1970 it was plain that the rest of the Bay Area was paying attention as well. The Friday and Saturday listings in Scenedrome went well beyond Berkeley, a clear indicator that the Barb had a broader readership beyond central Berkeley. So we get tantalizing hints of what was going on around the Bay Area, without really knowing exactly what it was. Most of my notices below come from little more than the barest of listings in the appropriate issue of the Berkeley Barb, with occasional supplements from other sources.

A photo from the Floating Lotus Magic Opera "Bliss Apocalypse"

January 24, 1970 Live Oak Park, Berkeley, CA: Floating Lotus Magic Opera Company
(Saturday-1 pm)
The Floating Lotus Magic Opera Company is one of those only-in-Berkeley stories, all but unbelievable to to people who never lived in Berkeley, yet hardly even a standard deviation for those who have. Berkeley was some place in the late 60s: demonstrations on campus, riots on Telegraph Avenue, psychedelic rock bands for free in Provo Park or at night at the New Orleans House, blues at Mandrake's, Serious Folk at the Freight And Salvage. Oh yeah--and every Saturday, at John Hinkel Park, at 41 Somerset Place, near Arlington Circle, The Floating Lotus Magic Opera Company performing a really-hard-to-explain theater show with ritual chanting, costumes and music.

Unlike some lost events, there are plenty of descriptions of the Floating Lotus Magic Opera Company, from inside and from the outside. There's a script of one of the "Operas" (called Walls Of Blood). Around late '68, Floating Lotus even got a good write-up in Rolling Stone magazine.

The above listing for January 24, 1970 seems to be just about the last gasp of the Floating Lotus. Founder Daniel Moore had been putting shows on at the Amphitheater in John Hinkel Park since 1968, but I don't know if they were weekly, monthly, seasonal or what. John Hinkel Park is in the lower Berkeley Hills, off Arlington Avenue, near Marin Avenue (and "The Circle," for those who know Berkeley), but not all the way up to Tilden Park (the actual address is 41 Somerset Place). 

Berkeley Barb (Jan 23 edition) listing the Floating Lotus Magic Opera Co at Berkeley's Live Oak Park on Saturday, January 24, 1970

At least in late 1969, the Opera also performed at the Family Dog on The Great Highway, so they were definitely associating themselves with the hippie rock scene, even if the Opera itself had nothing musically to do with rock. At the very end, they switched to the larger Live Oak Park, further down the hill and closer to campus, at 1301 Shattuck (between Shattuck Avenue and Oxford Street). I learned about the Floating Lotus Magic Opera Company from a regular participant (flautist Susan Graubard, formerly with the group New Age), and I have been trying to figure it out ever since, but I still can't. 

I do know that the Floating Lotus Opera Company was not without resonance. Among other things, there were numerous people involved, and costumes and stage sets. I know that around 1970, many of the sets and costumes made their way over to San Francisco and became part of The Cockettes stage show. Now, even I know that the Cockettes were important, but I'm not knowledgeable enough to say how, really, much less whether the Floating Lotus was influential or just a source of stage gear. 

I'm really good at some kinds of rabbit holes, like psychedelic rock and roll, minor league baseball or World War 2. But I'm really no good at trans-cultural, reflective performing arts. So I've never gotten a handle on it. Someone has to write a post about it, but it can't be me. But there's a longer, better post here somewhere--I hope someone writes it. 

60s and 70s Rock Nightclub Navigation and Tracker

Saturday, April 17, 2021

60s and 70s Rock Nightclub History Navigation and Tracker

The Keystone Berkeley, at 2119 University Avenue (at Shattuck), some time in the early 80s

60s and 70s Rock Nightclub History Navigation and Tracker
Over the years, I have done detailed research into the performance histories of various rock music nightclubs in the 1960s and 70s. The goal has always been to identify an exact record of every musical performer at a club over a given period. Due to the paucity of sources, sometimes the chronicle may be incomplete, but not for lack of effort. In some cases, for less well-documented clubs, the goal is to identify every performer, even if the exact nights of their performances can't be nailed down.

60s rock found its footing in psychedelic ballrooms, and moved on up to civic auditoriums and basketball arenas. By the 1970s, the big business of rock touring took away many of the regional differences. If you saw the Grateful Dead, or Mott The Hoople or the Doobie Brothers in San Francisco, Des Moines or Boston, it was probably pretty much the same in each city. As the biggest bands moved up to the auditoriums, however, the rock audience got older and found that they liked a drink while watching music. 

Rock nightclubs, rare in the 60s, were common in the 1970s. Unlike the big arenas, there were distinct differences between regions. There were even differences between parts of the Bay Area. The demographics of parking, FM radio and economies made each club distinct from its competitors, at least for a while. I have not used a precise definition of what makes a "rock nightclub," but the general criteria are:

  • Original live rock music (with some exceptions, perhaps)
  • Liquor (at least beer)
  • Tables and chairs (at least some of the time)

This excludes rock venues with a bar in the back, or coffee shops. There isn't a size limit to my analysis, but my goal is to look at the middle tier of 60s and 70s rock.

By identifying a complete list, the club histories skew away from impressionistic memories that can be clouded by nostalgia. Seeing who was actually booked, the status of that performer at the time--as opposed to how important they would become later--gives a clear picture of the economic forces of any club, and in turn can be revealing about the city and the regional rock scene at the time.

I would not have been able to complete all this work without the assistance of co-conspirators. The Chicken On A Unicycle website has been a joint effort. As to the blogs, the Comment Threads are filled with detailed updates from known and unknown participants, greatly enhancing the scholarship.

This tracker has links to various associated pages on Chicken and specific blog posts. Here and there I also link to a few other posts by others that fulfill my needs. Some forthcoming posts are listed (without links yet, of course) in anticipation of the future.

 A Tom Weller flyer for Country Joe and The Fish at Berkeley's Jabberwock, November 1-3, 1966

Berkeley Rock Nightclubs

The Jabberwock, 2901 Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley, CA 1964-67
The Jabberwock was a folk club, but it gave birth to Country Joe and The Fish.

List of Jabberwock Performances 1964-July 8, 1967

Jabberwock Poster Art

The Questing Beast, 2504 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley, CA: Performance History 1965-66
County Joe and The Fish got started at the Jabberwock, but they went electric at the Questing Beast.

2976 College Avenue, Open Theater, Berkeley, CA 1965-1966 History  

New Orleans House, 1505 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley, CA Performance Listing 1966-1970
The New Orleans, opened as a home for New Orleans-style jazz, rapidly became a rock club by 1966. It was the primary nightclub for original rock music in Berkeley throughout the 1960s. We attempt to identify every performer from 1967 to 1969, and its an excellent survey of original California rock bands just one tier below the Fillmore and Avalon.

1505 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley, CA: New Orleans House Performers List, January-March 1967 ('67 Berkeley I) 

1505 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley, CA: New Orleans House Performers List, April-June 1967 ('67 Berkeley IV) 

1505 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley, CA: New Orleans House Performers List, July-September 1967 ('67 Berkeley VII) 

Freight and Salvage, 1827 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley, CA Performance Listing 1968-70
The Freight and Salvage was really a folk club, but it was founded by Berkeley hippies in 1968, and it was part of the rock music community, in it own way. We attempt to identify every performer at the Freight and Salvage in 1968 and '69, and its a primer on American music over the next 50 years.

Mandrake's, 1048 University Avenue, Berkeley, CA Performance List 1965-1973
Mandrake's, a converted pool hall on University and San Pablo, mainly presented blues and jazz, but by the end of the 1960s, it presented a lot of rock as well.
The Babylon, 2504 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley, CA Performance Listings 1969-70
The Babylon featured original rock music, almost all from local East Bay bands.

The Long Branch, 2504 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley, CA Performers Listing May-December 1971
The Long Branch, at the infamous Berkeley music address of 2504 San Pablo, expanded the building and replaced the Babylon in May 1971. This post is a detailed discussion of every performer who was known to have played the Long Branch in 1971, even if some dates are uncertain.

The Long Branch, 2504 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley, CA: Performers Listing January-June 1972 (Long Branch II)

2504 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley, CA: The Long Branch Performance History October-December 1973 (Long Branch III) 

Keystone Berkeley, 2119 University Avenue, Berkeley, CA Performance Listings 1972
The Keystone Berkeley replaced the New Monk, going from a fraternity beer joint to Berkeley's primary rock club throughout the 1970s. This post is a detailed discussion of every performer who played Keystone Berkeley in 1972.

Keystone Berkeley, Berkeley, CA: Performance Listings, January-April 1975
The Keystone was still the second best gig in the Bay Area during this period.  

2119 University Avenue, Berkeley, CA: The Keystone Berkeley
Jerry Garcia played the Keystone Berkeley at least 243 times. His relationship to Keystone Berkeley was unique to Garcia's career, and an essential lynchpin of the club.

Bay Area Survey Rock Nightclub Survey, January-April 1974 Performance Listings
A snapshot of East Bay rock nightclubs in 1974, including analysis of performers for Keystone Berkeley (January), the Long Branch (February), Bill Graham Presents (March, at Winterland and Berkeley Community Theater) and the Freight and Salvage (April).

San Francisco Rock Nightclubs

The Matrix, 3138 Fillmore Street, San Francisco, CA Performance Listing 1965-70
The Matrix was San Francisco's first, and for a while only, hippie rock night club. This page is a list of performers at the Matrix, to the best of our knowledge.

The Matrix, 3138 Fillmore Street, San Francisco, CA: Performer Listing January-June 1970 (Matrix I)
This post provides a detailed  analysis of all the known performers at the Matrix during the first half of 1970. As the tiny Matrix became a less lucrative gig, the club turned into a musician's hangout and the music played was pretty interesting. Not least--besides Bruce Springsteen dropping in--Jerry Garcia began his long collaboration with bassist John Kahn.

The Matrix, 3138 Fillmore Street, San Francisco, CA: Performer Listing July-September 1970 (Matrix II)
Continued analysis of performers at the Matrix in 1970. Merl Saunders joins Garcia and Kahn. 

The Matrix, 3138 Fillmore Street, San Francisco, CA: Performer Listing October-December 1970 (Matrix III)
The Matrix is in decline a club, but it is all the more fascinating for having become Jerry Garcia's hangout.

The Boarding House, 960 Bush Street, San Francisco, CA: Performance List March-July 1971 (Boarding House I)
The first year of the Boarding House in 1971 was quite different than the years that followed. Proprietor David Allen tried to make it an "Acoustic Music Salon" and Dinner club, and San Francisco didn't seem to want that. 

The Boarding House, 960 Bush Street, San Francisco, CA: Performance List August-December 1971 (Boarding House II)

Whisky A Go-Go, San Francisco, 568 Sacramento St, San Francisco, CA: March 11, 1967

The West Hollywood Whisky A-Go-Go had a long forgotten San Francisco branch. I obtained a photo of the Grateful Dead's performance there on March 11, 1967. I discuss what little is known about the club, with some links to other posts.

2629 Bayshore Blvd, San Francisco, CA The Moonrose Forest (formerly George's Log Cabin) November 1969

Bay Area Rock Nightclub Survey, May-September 1974
A snapshot of Bay Area rock nightclubs in 1974, including analysis of performers at The Great American Music Hall (May), the Boarding House (June), the Orphanage (July), the Inn Of The Beginning in Cotati (August) and the Lion's Share in San Anselmo (September).

Palo Alto Rock Nightclubs

Palo Alto Psychedelic Rock Shows, 1965-66 (Palo Alto I)
Palo Alto, to hear Palo Altans tell it, was the birthplace of psychedelic rock. Palo Alto's first rock nightclub was The Big Beat, at 998 San Antonio Road. Right before it opened, the club was rented by The Merry Pranksters for the Palo Alto Acid Test on December 18, 1965, with the Grateful Dead providing the music. The Big Beat was never that interesting again.

Palo Alto Psychedelic Rock Shows, 1967 (Palo Alto II)
In April, 1967, The Poppycock opened in downtown Palo Alto, at 135 University Avenue. It presented original rock bands, and downtown Palo Alto slowly came to life. I list what is known about performers at The Poppycock this year (and elsewhere in Palo Alto).

Palo Alto Psychedelic Rock Shows, 1968 (Palo Alto III)
In 1968, the modest Poppycock books a lot of good Bay Area rock bands. I review the status of all the known performers from the year.

Palo Alto Psychedelic Rock Shows, January-June 1969 (Palo Alto IV)
Rock music is exploding in the Bay Area, and some really good bands play the Poppycock. The club is starting to seem on the small side, however. This post identifies all the Poppycock performers from the first half of 1969.

Palo Alto Psychedelic Rock Shows, July-December 1969 (Palo Alto V)
In the second half of 1969, the Poppycock has become too small to compete with other venues. Some really good bands play the club on weeknights, some that really interest us today, but the club was wearing out its welcome in downtown Palo Alto. It would close quietly in mid-1970.

September 4, 1970 The Checkmate Inn, Nairobi Village Shopping Center, 1675 Bay Road (at University), East Palo Alto, CA: Dance Concert with Metropolitan Sound Company 2am-? (Lost Horizons VI)
East Palo Alto is usually left out of the Palo Alto story, because, well, it's inconvenient.

In Your Ear, 135 University Avenue, Palo Alto, CA: Performer Listing, May 1971-December 1972
In Your Ear opened at the site of the Poppycock (135 University). Nominally, it was a jazz club, but it had a broad booking policy that included jazz, blues and rock. A fire on New Year's Eve 1972 closed the club. Fellow scholar CryptDev has the details of all the known performers.

Homer's Warehouse, 79 Homer Lane, Palo Alto, CA: Performer Listing 1971-73
Quiet Palo Alto did not like the noisy rock of the Poppycock downtown. A few blocks away, and quite literally across the railroad tracks, Homer's Warehouse booked bands in a quonset hut that was formerly a warehouse. The fun lasted until 1973. CryptDev has what details survive of the known performers.

Sophie's, 260 S. California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA: Performer Listing 1976
After a quiet period, rock music returned to Palo Alto. This time, however, it wasn't downtown, but rather on the main street of what was formerly Mayfield, the rowdy predecessor to Palo Alto. Sophie's opened in 1975. I review the performers in 1976, when the club was migrating from just being a Top 40 dance bar to an original music club (Sophie's would become the Keystone Palo Alto in 1977). 

Keystone Palo Alto, 260 South California, Palo Alto, CA: Performers List, January-July 1977 (Palo Alto VIII)
Freddie Herrera extended his Keystone empire to Palo Alto, but survival was initially a close call.

Keystone Palo Alto, 260 South California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA: Performance List, August-December 1977 (Palo Alto IX) 

Palo Alto Rock History Navigation
I have a page listing all my Palo Alto and South Bay posts, including Night Clubs, other venues and some bands.

The Leaves, opening the Whisky A-Go-Go in Sunnyvale, August 1965

Bay Area Rock Nightclubs

These are some pages and posts to assorted rock nightclubs around the Bay Area

The In Room, Swiss Chalet, 635 Old County Road, Belmont, CA 1965
The In Room opened in February 1965 and did not last a year. Yet an 8-week booking for the Warlocks made the band. 

Whisky A-Go-Go, Washington and Murphy, Sunnyvale, CA: Fall 1965
Briefly, there was a franchise of West Hollywood's legendary Whisky A-Go-Go in suburban Sunnyvale, between San Jose and Palo Alto. It only lasted a few months--but we have photos.

Wayne Manor, Washington and Murphy, Sunnyvale, CA: 1966-68
The Sunnyvale Whisky closed, and then re-opened as Wayne Manor, a Batman-themed club. At the time, the comic book was a popular TV show.

Frenchy's, Hayward, CA: Performance Listings, January-June 1966
There were very few rock clubs booking original music in the Bay Area in early 1966, but Frenchy's, at 29907 Mission Boulevard in Hayward, was one of them. Far more interesting than you might think.

Inn Of The Beginning, 8201 Redwood Highway, Cotati, CA: Performance Listings 1968-75
A complete list of performers at the Inn Of The Beginning from 1968-75, albeit without commentary.

Chateau Liberte, 22700 Old Santa Cruz Highway, Los Gatos, CA
The Chateau Liberte was a legendary early 1970s nightclub, but I have been unable to find a consistent source for bookings. This post is a meditation on the peculiar economics of the club itself (with a picture of the Zig Zag Man swimming pool). 

The Red Ram, 444 E William St, San Jose, CA
I know very little about this place, except that the pizza joint near San Jose State booked rock bands for a few months in 1970. At this time (early 1970), there were no nightclubs in San Jose booking original rock bands.

Lion's Share, 60 Red Hill Avenue, San Anselmo, CA: Performance Listings April-June 1971
The Lion's Share was just a local musicians hangout, but since it was in Marin County, it was a happening place for a while. 

West Hollywood Rock Nightclubs

Whisky A-Go-Go, West Hollywood, CA: Performance List 1966-70
The Whisky A-Go-Go in West Hollywood started as a dance club, but it became America's first high profile rock club. Local bands and touring bands wanted to play the tiny Whisky in the 60s, just to see and be seen.

Whisky A-Go-Go, West Hollywood, CA: Performance List 1971-75

Whiskey A-Go-Go, 8901 Sunset Blvd (at Clark), West Hollywood, CA: January-June 1971 Performance Listings (Whisky I)
Rather unexpectedly, with the rise of The Troubadour, the Whisky becomes the home for Jazz-rock and Prog bands.

Whisky-A-Go-Go, 8901 Sunset Blvd (at Clark), West Hollywood, CA: July-September 1972 Performance Listings (Whisky II)

The Trip, West Hollywood, CA: Performers List 1965-66
Elmer Valentine, the proprietor of the Whisky A-Go-Go, had another West Hollywood club, The Trip (at 8572 W. Sunset). The Trip was more attuned to the psychedelic era, and the Valentine migrated the booking policy of The Trip over to the Whisky.

Thee Experience, 7551 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA: Performance List March-December 1969
Thee Experience was an intriguing competitor for The Whisky A-Go-Go, but it was only open for several months in 1969.

Thee Club, 8409 Santa Monica Blvd, West Hollywood, CA: August 1970
Thee Experience proprietor opened an "upscale" rock club called Thee Experience, and the club opened with the acoustic Grateful Dead. The club was ahead of its time, but didn't last.

The Troubadour, West Hollywood, CA Performance List January-April 1970 (Troubadour I)

The Troubadour had been open (in some form) since 1957, and while generally a folk club, it took on critical importance in the early 1970s. If rising singer-songwriters wanted to make it big, they had to play the Troubadour.

The Troubadour, West Hollywood and San Francisco, CA: Performance List May-August 1970 (Troubadour II)
The Troubadour expanded its footprint beyond Hollywood and opened a branch at 960 Bush Street in San Francisco.

The Troubadour, West Hollywood and San Francisco, CA: Performance List September-December 1970 (Troubadour III)
The San Francisco Troubadour closed with barely a trace, while the West Hollywood club continued to thrive.


Boston Psychedelic Rock Concert Chronology, January-June 1967 (Boston I)
This chronology includes all of the "major" underground venues for psychedelic rock shows, including the Tea Party and the colleges.

Boston Psychedelic Rock Concert Chronology, July-December 1967 (Boston II)
The Cross Town Bus and the Psychedelic Supermarket are added to the mix.

Cafe Au Go Go, 152 Bleecker St, New York, NY Performance List 1965 (Au Go Go I)
The Cafe Au Go Go was Greenwich Village's main rock club from 1965 through 1969.

Cafe Au Go Go, 152 Bleecker St, New York, NY Performance List January-June 1966 (Au Go Go II)

Cafe Au Go Go, 152 Bleecker St, New York, NY Performance List July-December 1967 (Au Go Go III)

Cafe Au Go Go, 152 Bleecker St, New York, NY Performance List January-June 1967 (Au Go Go IV)

Cafe Au Go Go, 152 Bleecker St, New York, NY Performance List July-December 1967 (Au Go Go V)

Cafe Au Go Go, 152 Bleecker St, New York, NY Performance List January-June 1968 (Au Go Go VI)

Cafe Au Go Go, 152 Bleecker St, New York, NY Performance List July-December 1968 (Au Go Go VII)

Cafe Au Go Go, 152 Bleecker St, New York, NY Performance List January-June 1969 (Au Go Go VII)

Cafe Au Go Go, 152 Bleecker St, New York, NY Performance List July-October 1969 (Au Go Go IX)

Cafe Au Go Go, 152 Bleecker St, New York, NY Performance List 1964-1965 (Au Go Go pre-rock)

Oakland's Loading Zone, ca 1968

Band Performance Histories

The performance history of some smaller bands gives us a good snapshot of  Bay Area venues at the time, including the various clubs.

Cleanliness and Godliness Skiffle Band 

Phoenix/Mt Rushmore
There was a tangle of related bands, the Vipers, Universal Parking Lot, Blue House Basement, Phoenix, Mt. Rushmore and Potter's Wheel. We sort them out. 

Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen, Performance List 1969
Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen migrated from Ann Arbor, MI to Berkeley in the Summer of 1969, and played every gig in town.

Loading Zone 1966-69

Loading Zone Performance List 1970 (Loading Zone I)

Loading Zone Performance List 1971 (Loading Zone II)

Loading Zone Performance List 1972 (Loading Zone III)

James And The Good Brothers: Overview and Performance Listings, 1970-71 (Next Riders I)
The Canadian trio of James Ackroyd and Bruce and Brian Good met the Grateful Dead on the Festival Express, and Jerry Garcia invited them to San Francisco. For about a year, the band was part of the extended Grateful Dead family. 

Keith & Donna Band Performance History, April-December 1975

Lost Horizons
The Lost Horizons series are intriguing bits of research where the story remains just out of reach.

January 24, 1970 Live Oak Park, Berkeley, CA: Floating Lotus Magic Opera Company (Lost Horizons I)

February 6-7, 1970, Red Ram, 444 E Williams St, San Jose, CA: Bronze Hog (Lost Horizons II)

March 13, 1970 Gymnasium, Contra Costa Junior College, 26000 Mission Blvd, San Pablo, CA: Neil Young and Crazy Horse (Lost Horizons III) 

March 20, 1970 The Prune Pit, 30 S. Central Avenue, Campbell, CA: Ship Of The Sun (Lost Horizons IV)

The Odyssey, 1606 S. El Camino Real, San Mateo, CA: Performance List June-August 1970 (Lost Horizons V)

September 4, 1970 Checkmate Inn, Nairobi Shopping Center, 1675 Bay Road (at University), E. Palo Alto, CA: Metropolitan Sound Company (Lost Horizons VI)  

September 16, 1970 Lion's Share, San Anselmo, CA: Golden Toad/High Country/JJ Mad/Potter's Wheel (Lost Horizon VII)

October 23-31, 1970 The Shelter Inn, Miramar Beach, 131 Mirada Road, Half Moon Bay, CA (Lost Horizons XIII)

November 12, 1970 Claremont Hotel, Berkeley, CA: Joy Of Cooking/Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen/Ghetto Bros (Lost Horizon IX) 


998 San Antonio Road, site of the Big Beat and the Palo Alto Acid Test (as of 2009)

Nightclub Events

These posts are about specific events at (mostly) Bay Area nightclubs. Included for completeness.

December 18, 1965: The Big Beat, 998 San Antionio Road, Palo Alto--Lost and Found 

3138 Fillmore Street, San Francisco The Matrix pre-opening 

November 28-December 1, 1966: The Matrix: Grateful Dead/Jerry Pond 

3138 Fillmore St, San Francisco, CA The Matrix, January 6, 1969: Open Jam with Peter Albin and Dave Getz

The Matrix, San Francisco, CA February 19, 1969 Jorma Kaukonen and Jack Casady/Weird Herald 

The Matrix, San Francisco February 1969 High Country with Jerry Garcia and David Nelson  

August 6-9, 1969 The Matrix, San Francisco New Riders Of The Purple Sage  

December 15, 1970: The Matrix, San Francisco, CA: Jerry Garcia and Friends with David Crosby 

April 1965, Whisky A-Go-Go, San Francisco, CA: Johnny Rivers

Whisky A-Go-Go, San Francisco 1965-67

Whisky A-Go-Go, San Francisco 1965-67

January 23, 1966 Whisky-A-Go-Go, San Francisco, CA: The Hedds

Washington and Murphy, Sunnyvale, CA Whisky A Go Go, August 1965 The Leaves  

Washington at Murphy, Sunnyvale, CA: Wayne Manor 1966-67  

Washington at Murphy, Sunnyvale, CA Wayne Manor January 22-February 19, 1967 Bobby Taylor and The Vancouvers 

Questing Beast, 2504 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley, CA
The demise of the Questing Beast.

North To San Francisco: The Warlocks in The South Bay, 1965

November 12, 1965: Tiger A Go Go, San Francisco Airport Hilton, Burlingame 

1836 El Camino Real, Redwood City, CA-The Nu Beat (later The Spectrum)   

4301 El Camino Real, San Mateo, CA: The Trip November 1966-Spring 68 

234 S. Brand Blvd, Glendale, CA: The Ice House Captain Beefheart/Nitty Gritty Dirt Band June 28-July 3, 1966  

June 18, 1965, Frenchy's, Hayward, CA: Lords Of London 

April 15-21, 1966, Frenchy's, Hayward, CA: Peter Lewis with Peter and The Wolves 

May 21, 1966, Frenchy’s, Hayward, CA: Neil Diamond/The Mothers  

September 30-October 1, 1967: Frenchy's, Hayward, CA: Sly and The Family Stone plus T-Bone Walker  

29097 Mission Blvd, Hayward, CA: Charlie Musselwhite at Frenchy's November 7, 1969 

807 Montgomery, San Francisco-Roaring 20s May 1967

Varni’s Roaring Twenties and the New Salvation Army Banned 

October 27, 1967: The Napoleon Five featuring Napoleon Murphy Brock, Fireside Lounge, San Mateo, CA 

4742 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA: The Rock Garden (1967)>The Ghetto Club (1967>1971)

1106 Solano Avenue (901 San Pablo Avenue), Albany, CA--The Lucky 13  

1048 University Avenue, Berkeley-Mandrake's
527 comments in the thread, read them all (really) 

8201 Old Redwood Highway, Cotati, CA The Inn Of The Beginning, Cotati, CA 1969 

345 Broadway, San Francisco August 1-2-3, 1969 Headhunters Amusement Park: Phanangang/Indian Puddin' 'N' Pipe/Quicksilver 

1275 Pine Street, Walnut Creek, CA The Hawks's Nest: The Socialites November 6-December 4, 1969

November 7-8, 1969 Mr. D's, 412 Broadway, San Francisco, CA: Three Dog Night/Hoyt Axton

3101 E. 14th Street, Oakland, CA: Ann's New Mo-The Naturally Stoned, November 7, 1969

3101 E. 14th Street, Oakland, CA: Ann's New Mo-Skull's May 10-11, 1968 

March 5, 1970 Freight and Salvage, Berkeley, CA: Peter Rowan and Richard Greene

April 10, 1974 Freight and Salvage, Berkeley: David Grisman and David Nichtern 

September 1-6, 1970 The Troubadour, 960 Bush Street San Francisco, CA: Elton John  

September 9, 1971 Gold St Club, San Francisco: Pigpen 

The Matrix, San Francisco, CA (412 Broadway): 1973 Shows

February 2, 1974, Keystone Berkeley: New Riders of The Purple Sage with Jerry Garcia (Home, Home On The Road) 

October 11-12, 1975 Keystone Berkeley Jerry Garcia Band w/Nicky Hopkins--Tim Hensley, electric piano

December 21-22, 1976, Keystone Berkeley, Berkeley, CA: Jerry Garcia Band (Who Is John Rich?)

Jerry Garcia and Keystone Shows Overview

January 9-10, 1976: Sophie's, Palo Alto, CA: The Jerry Garcia Band with James Booker 

December 5, 1977: Keystone Palo Alto, Palo Alto, CA Robert Hunter and Comfort (Alligator Moon-FM XIV)

January 9-10, 1976: Sophie's, Palo Alto, CA: The Jerry Garcia Band with James Booker

"So What" The Jerry Garcia Band: Keystone Palo Alto, Palo Alto, CA November 3, 1978

May 19, 1979: The Old Waldorf, San Francisco, CA: Reconstruction/Horslips